Friday, December 31, 2010


Bryson + Brady
      This week Stephen and I have been spending time in Albertville with our family! Our sister Suzanne came with our two nephews, Bryson and Brady. We had such a fun time together, opening presents, playing with toys, chasing each other in the halls, and decorating cookies! We also took the time to go and take pictures of the boys!! It was great practice for me with my camera! They are headed back to louisville now, and we miss them so much! Cant wait to see them next time! Now there are alot of pictures but i couldnt help it!
 Our nephew Bryson, such a sweet and amazing little boy!
 Brady loved his flashlights all week, and was very helpful in helping us open our presents

Bryson + Brady
We took the boys to a local spot in Albertville to do a little photo session! It was so much fun! They were so enthralled with the sticks and rocks to play with it was hard to get their attention, but despite the challenge we ended up with some really great shots!

 I guess he was trying to make it clear he was no longer wanting to take pictures!

This has been such a great week and we are ending the year in a great way!

Happy New Years Eve!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

white christmas.

im dreaming of a white christmas
this christmas has been absolutely beautiful! Its been the first WHITE christmas in a while! We woke up this morning planning to travel and had to put our plans on hold! It is such a beautiful sight!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry christmas.

Merry Merry Christmas! 
We had such a wonderful morning together on our VERY FIRST Christmas together as husband and wife! It was great. We enjoyed opening presents with my parents and skypeing with my sister who could not be here. We miss all of our family that we are not with today, but will be seeing everyone soon. Its even beginning to look like a white may come a little later in the evening but its  at least snowing. The turkey comas are starting to kick in, and the movies are rolling. Oh how I love Christmas Day! Merry Christmas to everyone, and I hope that all keep in mind the true meaning of christmas, that is Jesus Christ who came and gave his life so that we may live freely. Thank You Jesus! 


 Every Christmas Eve we attend the First Baptist of Henderson's Christmas Eve Service. It is a wonderful service and ends with the lighting of candles by all of the congregation as we sing "Silent Night" Always feels more like Christmas at the end of the service!

After the service we always go to Aunt BeBe's and Uncle Buddy's for Christmas Eve Dinner. However, we usually fill up on appetizers then still eat dinner its just the beginning to the two day feast that christmas involves in the family!

 These are the annual attendees of the Christmas Eve Party! By aunts and uncles, grandmothers, and family friends. All of us together makes for a great evening!

Christmas Morning

This Christmas morning was the beginning of a new life!! Stephen and I had our very first Christmas morning together! This year however, we actually had early christmas presents, so we enjoying thinking about those and watching others open their presents! However, we were surprised with a few extra little presents that we are so grateful for! My sister could not leave town because of work so we skyped with her and watched her open her presents and got to talk, which was great!

One of my early Christmas presents was my camera so needless to say ... I AM LOVING practicing with it and you can find me anywhere taking a picture of one thing or another! It is the best present ever!!

We wish all a Merry Christmas!!